Scooby Doo is a cartoon with possibly the second stupidest name next to Spongebob Squarepants. He was invented by a guy called Iwao Takamoto, who looks like an absolute badass. He also designed Astro from the Jetsons, who let's assume was a Great Dane as well. I don't think it's ever specified. Maybe whatever breed his is doesn't exist yet. Like a Laser Hound or something.
For some time (how long I don't know since I did even less research than usual today. I think it's going well anyway though, ay?) the Great Dane was thought to be the world's tallest dog. Now it's second to the Irish Wolfhound. Which must suck for them. I was always the tallest in my class, but then when I moved to a new school I wasn't the tallest of anything. Shit sucks, man.
Stupid Ugly Dog
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